How can we possibly keep track of all the social networking that is building in the world? Who’s using which network, how to work each network, which ones we like or dislike, which one serves the purpose we want in a social network. Facebook seems to be the most popular today and I believe started within Universities for college students. However, the network began to move down the age ladder a little while ago as it became popular among those in high school and even middle school students are making their own profiles now. It was very weird to me when I first saw a middle school student on Facebook. I thought they were way too young to begin social networking, but I guess there is no starting age, or ending for that matter as more and more parents are creating profiles as well. Another, more recent, social networking site is Twitter. Twitter seems to be just as popular, if not surpassing Facebook. They serve very different purposes, which is probably why most people have both a Facebook and Twitter account they keep simultaneously. Unlike the switch people made leaving Mysace and joining Facebook. Facebook allows for pictures, status updates, directly addressing someone by writing or commenting on their profile, videos, liking posts, personal messages, instant messages, etc. Twitter is just the status update aspect as well as comments. Addressing someone is also possible, but by adding them to your status rather than directly writing on their profile.

A couple weeks in English 103 we created Twitter accounts to become part of the tweeting community as well as having the responsibility to answer specific questions our teacher posts relating to class. I was not enthralled by the idea of joining this social network. Even after the process of tweeting began, even to this day, my views have no changed and I still am not interested in what gets tweeted. I do not find reading people’s statuses too amusing. If I want to see what someone is doing, it is most likely on Facebook and if anything worth discussing happens on twitter it most likely comes from an athlete and will therefore be all over ESPN at some point. There is just more to do, look at, and be apart of on Facebook. I also find Twitter to be more confusing, maybe I just haven’t used it enough, but it seems harder to navigate from the start. Clearly many people disagree with me since SO many people do have twitter accounts, but hey not everyone can have the same opinion.
By: Heather Britt