Contrary to most assumptions, using social networks is not just another way to talk to friends. Many people refer to it as “conforming” or following the crowd. What I believe a lot of people don’t realize is how much of a positive impact social networks can have in other areas, specifically family relations. My extended family (2 sets of grandparents, great uncle and aunt, aunt and uncle, and five cousins) all live within an hours driving time from each other, everyone except my family. They all live the Suburbs surrounding Atlanta, which is approximately 3 hours from where family resides, Greenville, Sc. Although it is relatively close it is not exactly a day trip you’d enjoy making for a quick visit. Before I moved to Clemson I saw my family about once every two months. Now that I don’t love at home I see them maybe once a semester (Christmas and my birthday). Disappointing isn’t it? You never realize how much you like keeping in touch with your family until you actually try it. I didn’t have much of a choice but to keep in touch. I logged on to my facebook account one day to find a plethora of new friend requests, all from my grandparents. My cousin who spent a week with my grandparents decided it would be a magnificent idea to create facebook accounts for all of them. At first I was terrified. The last thing my grandparents need to see are my weekends captured on facebook. Goodbye birthday/Christmas presents…. As the last few years have passed I have been proven wrong. I forgot one important factor, which would be that my grandparents basically don’t know what a computer is. I watched them venture through the world of facebook and realized I have nothing to worry about. The only thing they know how to do is read their inbox so they think that facebook is an email service with a little picture next to it. I still get to message them about weekly and let them know what’s going on, which they very much enjoy. I also send them pictures that I consider appropriate and pictures of my family, which they enjoy even more. The point of this blog is to bring attention to the way your family can be can stay close through social networks such as facebook and how many different age groups can be affected. (Not my grandma below)
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